
THRESHOLDS is a comprehensive tarot course that provides you critical (feminist and anti-racist) framework for interpreting the cards. I teach the cards as a tool of praxis, as they enable self-reflexivity and create catharsis. THRESHOLDS teaches tarot by numerical grouping to uncover themes that connect each. Become a skilled reader learning to attend to gaze, posture, scale, symbol, implication. Learn to critically question the nature of your reality, and let the frame of your perception to be continuously, refined, adjusted toward the scope of freedom.

learn more / enroll here

auguring the animal

Auguring the Animal aims to position animal knowledges as a possible means for students to understand the epistemic shifts necessary for structural decolonization, while enabling the consideration of animals as cultural mediators and agents of decolonization. This course offers a decolonial ethic that accounts for animal bodies as resurgent bodies.

The tarot will be our counterpoint to create a circuit of coherence amongst the various cultural layers, significations, and vantages that coexist within the cards animal references. No prior experience with tarot required but always welcome.

learn more / enroll here


A year long guided decan walk through the tarot. closed for enrollment now. '

XZ offers ongoing counseling, collaborative consideration, & cathartic ritual as we journey through student's natal charts one sign, one house, one planet at a time. XZ attunes you to a cosmic clock, and through tarot illuminates an astrological path of dignity.

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In this series we will do a deep exploration the four elemental suits, the minor arcana of the tarot.  

We  will journey from ace to ten, considering historical origins for the images of the iconic Smith-Waite deck but expand our referential basis for interpretation to include historical myth against modern culture, across medium.

We will spend two weeks on each suit, which you can sign up for anyone suit individually, and if you sign up for all four there is an additional live 1-2 class(es). This class(es) will focus on the daily pull, altar work, the sacred space and student presentations. 

The tarot is an especially powerful divination practice for those of us who work well with images, symbol and sign. However, the medieval imagery may be hard to access for the modern mind without the historical appreciation and recognition of its imagistic origins. Images are vehicle for thought, and though they change and adapt through time, culture and medium, there is a thread of connection. This class will help make sense of those origins as well making them applicable today. 

learn more / enroll here

I also have evergreen, downloadable classes and workshops available: here