TENZ: Virgo

TENZ: Virgo


The Decan walk but make it gay! 

Make it Runway!

Decans are 10-degree sections of the sky, 10 day segments of each zodiac. Decans give us a deeper, more nuanced understanding of each astrological season i.e. not all virgos are the same! 

TENZ is a new workshop series unpacking the Decanic journey through the minor Arcana of the Tarot. 

Sign up for this workshop and learn about the three faces of Virgo as offered in the Tarot.  Learn about the astrological rulership of the 8, 9 & 10 of Pentacles. And learn how these card inform the suns journey through the three, distinct, ten day cycles of Virgo. Moreso consider this workshop a queer reading and questioning of the Tarot. 

Selection includes:The Sense of BrownByJosé Esteban Muñoz

This is the final work of the noted professor, queer theorist released posthumously. This is his treatise on brownness and being, articulating and arguing for a sense of brownness that is not fixed within the racial and national contours of Latinidad. We will examine the brown commons Muñoz discusses through an attunement to the virgo minor arcana cards. The brown commons is a lifeworld, queer ecology, and form of collectivity. It is a distinct structure of feeling, emerging in art and performance and opening and engaging alternate ways of knowing and being in the world. Whereas his work on queer utopia reaches toward the horizon of futurity, his theory on browness that is already here. Virgo deals with the witness of Nature's secret processes, to which Muñoz worked patiently to decipher before his passing, leaving this work as his final cultural contribution and our interpretive compass for Virgo.

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